
The main cast of this film will be two actors – the protagonist, and his borther-in-law. There will also be the supporting role of – Lily, and two other extras – a father in the park, and his daughter.


Protagonist – Nimesh Serma


Nimesh was the initial choice for this role as he has had an on-going interest in architecture throughout his schooling life with hopes of studying interior architecture at university. I told Nimesh to take this passion and turn it into an obsession in order to carry out this role. Nimesh has also studied Drama for a year which will help him to provide and effective performance.


Brother-in-law – Tofiel Choudhury


I decided to take on the role of the mentor in this story which requires me to carry the most dialogue. The most important part of my acting skills will be the central monologue which works to change the ways of the protagonist. With experience in studying acting as well as being a confident speaker, I have taken it upon myself to carry out this role.


Wife – Sagun Pun


Choosing a female lead for this part was initially difficult as we struggled to find an actress who would be able to work within our given conditions. It then came to use that we could ask a friend with no acting experience and train her for the role in order to make her performance as effective as possible. An avid fan of films and television dramas, Sagun was determined to provide a good performance.


 Father and Daughter (extras) Jamie Smith and Grace Smith


These parts required the least amount of emotive acting. Jamie’s relationship with his real-life sister was easily protrayed in the film as that between a father and daughter.