Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The biggest tool at my disposal during my research of short films was YouTube and its vast array of short films from independant production companies.

We watched some of these short films in order to gain an understanding of how short films are structured in order to cope with a limited space of time and how characters are developed in this time frame.

New Picture (2)


WordPress allowed me to create a blog that takes readers through the conceptualizationand development of my short film. The site provided me with layout and presentation tools which allowed me to create an interactive website rather than just a long piece of writing. The medium of a website gave me a better showcasing of my film concept, specifically with the way in which readers are able to explore it through different widgets and applications.



To shoot our film, we used a Canon 550D Which is a Digital SLR. This camera allowed us to get shot we would normally not be able to get with a standard digital camera and also allowed us to draw significance to these shots. Using a shallow focus us to signify a breaking moment for our protagonist. Using a close-up shot allowed us to focus on the emotion displayed on the protagonist’s face as he hears his wife tell him that she wants a child. His wife is in the background and is blurred however, you can still see her say the words. This technique allowed us to place a central focus on the protagonist’s feelings towards having children.




To create our film poster, we used Adobe Photoshop which allowed us to execute our idea of manipulating an image of a face into a hand-drawn sketch. We used the contrast settings on programme to darken the features on the subject’s face. This allowed us to print out an easily traceable image to physically trace and then scan back into the computer to re-enter the digital realm. This was then further edited using Photoshop in order to enhance the look of the poster.
